Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Barry McGee & Margaret Kilgallen

These two artists are painters that do installation works as working artists as well as street graffiti artists. Both consider street art such as graffiti, pieces of art similar to how regular consumers consider advertisements as artwork. In the movie, it talked about street credibility and selling out as a street artist when it comes to making revenue from their artwork. 

When Kilgallen was talking about how people consider graffiti garbage and not advertisements. It made me think about the career I wanted to go into as a graphic designer and how graphic designers help make the advertisements they consider garbage. The whole thought of it made me want to think of ways to combine the two so both the average consumer as well as street artists can appreciate both ends of the spectrum at the same time and maybe see a different side to what they consider is garbage and would erase the thought of selling out. I really enjoyed the works that Barry McGee did in his installation shown in the movie. It made me feel inspired to see such large scale paintings done with his own creative style.

Linda Zacks

Is a well recognized artist with works pertaining to artist books. What she does in these books in my opinion is extreme scrapbooking of her mind. I really like this kind of work because it reminds me of the scribbles that students do when they're bored but on a whole other level. The books are made from mixed medias such as digital, drawn and sometimes photography. What I like about her work is that it looks messy, spontaneous yet, well thought out. When I saw her projects and the books she's made it made me feel look at art in a different perspective because I didn't know that art could look like that too. It also made me feel like making these books are plausible because you don't have to follow any particular rules and it just comes from your imagination and how you feel it should look like. 

1000 Journals Part 1

This movie was about an artist that went by the name of "Someguy" who had an idea to send out 1000 blank journals for the world to fill in and send back to him. The idea was really neat and it was cool how far each journal can travel. I can only imagine what it was like to be the artist to be the one that work so hard to customize each cover and send them out in random places. I would be really curious to where each book would end up and what kind of person is keeping it. This idea is very similar to the one I knew of called "Post Secret" where another artist sent out blank post cards for people to write their secrets on anonymously and send them back to him so he could publish them collectively in a book as well as post them on a blog site. I also recall another similar idea that I participated in when I went to the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park, where an art student left an empty scroll and a whole bunch of writing utensils for people to write whatever they felt like on that scroll.  The whole feeling of all three ideas make people feel connected to random strangers from across the world. I like it and I hope that maybe I would find a journal or a postcard somewhere to write and draw in.